Anastasia Wiki


Welcome to Anastasia!

Welcome to Anastasia Wikia, $4!

We're a friendly community here; most of us are active on an individual wiki, and many of us are active on more than one.

Please sign in and create a user name. It's an easy way to keep track of your contributions and helps you communicate with the rest of the community.

If you're looking for help, a help wiki can be found here, and you're welcome to ask the community questions on the Anastasia Forum. If you need assistance from a staff member, you can contact the Community Team using Special:Contact.

You can get live help from community members and staff in our chat. Here, you can also socialize and get to know community members from all around Wikia!

If you have an idea for a new wiki, please create one! Check out our list of new wikis and see if any of them interest you. A directory of existing wikis is also available.

Finally, please keep an eye on the recent changes to see what the community is up to here.

Enjoy! $3
